Monday, March 28, 2011

"Um, sure"

This is another post with snippets of things that Ayden is saying and doing today.


My phone just chimed to indicate that there was a new text message. It was sitting on the coffee table next to Ayden, just out of my reach. So I asked Ayden, "can you hand me my phone?" His response, "um sure."

"Um" entered his vocabulary earlier this week. "Sure" entered it today. Both sound way too grown-up for him to be saying, especially with proper use!


He just (incorrectly) sang the entire ABC's. When he was done I asked if he wanted to sing it again with me singing along. He got excited at that suggestion and said yes. So I started singing. He started singing along. But by the time I got to about "D," he looked at me like I had just offended him and collapsed into a fit of tears. I have no idea what I did wrong.


As I type this, Ayden is stacking all of his cars and trucks onto Judah. Judah is loving the attention. Stacking piles of things onto Judah is one of Ayden's favorite pastimes. Having piles of things stacked onto him by Ayden is one of Judah's favorite pastimes. At least they are in agreement about it!


Ayden just walked into the kitchen, opened the fridge, opened the drawer, pulled out an apple, and took a big bite out of it. I love self-sufficiency!


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