Friday, February 25, 2011

And then Ayden said.....

Me: Ayden, you're cute!
Ayden: No, not Ayden cute, Mama cute!
Me: Ayden! You're so sweet!
Ayden: No, not Ayden sweet, Mama sweet!
Please note that he has no idea what "cute" or "sweet" really means.


While throwing the football to each other: "Good job, Mama! Yaaaaayyy!!!"


Judah is playing on the floor and starts getting a little fussy. Ayden runs over to him and while giving Judah a kiss ("MWAH!") and a hug, he says, "It's ok Judah."


Scene: Ayden is on my lap, constantly changing positions so the end result is that he is just turning in circles over and over.
Me, exasperated: Ayden, do you ever sit still?!?!
Ayden, with a huge grin: No!!!


Anytime he looses track of where I am: "Mama, waaar (where are) you?"
If he is hiding and wants me to find him and tickle him: "Waaar Ayden go? Waaar Ayden go? Waaar Ayden go?"


Is it me, or is this kid sort-of adorable?

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